Our hope - for ourselves, our families, and our world - is Jesus. His life has impacted the world unlike that of any other. What is it about Jesus that causes people throughout history and around the world to live their lives in His name?

It all begins with God's love for you. God created you and gives purpose to your life. It is because of that love that Jesus came to live on earth. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, being born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. He lived a life without any sin, and yet He was sentenced to be executed by the authorities of His day. Jesus was crucified, being nailed to a cross. Scriptures teach us that His death paid the price for the sins of every person in the world. Following His death, on the third day, Jesus was raised to life again. His resurrection means that you and I do not need to fear death but can know eternal life through Him.

Each of us have sinned against God. No matter how hard we try, we cannot make things right on our own. Our choices, decisions, and mistakes keep us from knowing fully the peace and hope that God desires each of us to have. That is why we need a Savior. A Savior is someone who will make things right between us and God. And that is what Jesus did for each of us. Through faith in Jesus, we come to know God. His Father becomes our Father.

Together, let's walk with Jesus. Discover who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and what He does through us. We invite you to join us.