
What style of worship do you practice?


Every worship service includes music, Scripture, a message, and prayer. You will hear and sing to a variety of music styles, old favorites and new praise music. The service feels a little different each week, but it always flows from the Bible, God's word.


What is your communion policy?


The Lord's Supper is a gift in which we celebrate the real presence of God in the bread and the wine.  We joyfully celebrate communion every 2nd & 4th Sunday. Communion is most often received in a continuous line. Occasionally, we will gather around the altar for distribution.  Ushers will always be present to help direct you. All are welcome who feel prepared to do so.


What should I wear to worship?


Please come as you are. You will see everything from business attire to the very casual. All is acceptable - be respectful of others in style and slogans.


What key truths does your church teach?


As a Christian church and part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, we teach and respond to the love of the Triune God: the Father and creator; the Son, Jesus Christ, who became human to live and die for the sins of all people and then conquered death for us all; and the Holy Spirit, who calls us to faith through God's Word and the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.

We follow and teach the Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther and other reformers that can be summarized in three short phrases:

- Grace Alone:  Even though we are all sinners, we are saved because of God's grace, love we do not deserve.

- Faith Alone:  We are not saved by our good deeds but only by our faith in Jesus Christ.

- Scripture Alone:  The Bible is our ultimate source of truth, and all other authority should be seen in the light of scripture.


Is your church accessible?


A handicapped parking lot is available on the upper level near the sanctuary doors. The lower parking lot has spaces in the first row for visitors. An elevator is available in the building for easy access between floors. The Fellowship Hall is accessible from the upper level by stairs or elevator as well as from the lower level by a level walkway around the left side of the building.