The 100 Envelope Challenge
Fundraising continues for the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in July 2025! An envelope board now stands in the Narthex. Select one, and fill it with the amount of money (cash or check) equal to the number on the envelope, and return the filled envelope to the bag beneath the board or place it in the collection plate. (Please include your name or offering envelope number if you would like your donation to be counted towards your member contributions.)
VBS is scheduled!
Five mornings of fun with Jesus, June 16-20, 2025. Registration will open in early spring for children and volunteers. Get ready to learn how to trust Jesus in a Wild World at True North VBS!
SHIM Holiday Food Drive
We are always collecting non-perishable goods to help our neighbors in the South Hills, by donating to SHIM and the Cloverleaf Food Pantry. But, in the month of November, we hold a special holiday food drive for SHIM. Drop off your non-perishable goods November 12-26 and we'll get them delivered to SHIM to help families during the holiday season.