SUNDAYS at 9:15 AM
Adults – Meet in the Fellowship Hall
Children (Preschool-6th Grade) – Meet in the Church Sanctuary for an opening before going to classrooms
Confirmation Youth (7th - 8th Grade) - Meet in the Pastor's office for class led by Ray Betler
High School Youth - Meet in the Fellowship Hall for the Intergenerational Class
You are invited to join us every Sunday at 9:15am for our Discovery Hour where we’ll ‘Dig In’ to God’s Word. We have classes for all ages, Preschool to Adults. For families with children new to Good Shepherd's Sunday School program, please complete the New Student Registration form.
9th Grade - Adults - Join us as for an intergenerational study and discussion. We have just completed a study on the Book of Hebrews and look forward to what is next.
Children, Preschool - 6th Grade - Digging into Foundations of Faith. Explore what the Bible reveals about who God is and how God sees us, how we fit in God's family, and how we live the Christian life.